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二手网络分析仪 HP8751A 频谱测试仪(曾S13713875417)

szmtyq  发表于 2011/7/16 12:02:21      583 查看 0 回复  [上一主题]  [下一主题]


  • 5 Hz to 500 MHz
  • ±0.02 dB, ±0.12°dynamic accuracy
  • 0.001 Hz, 0.001 dB, 0.001 degree, 10 ps resolution
  • Full 2-port and interpolative calibration
  • Conjugate matching analysis
  • 10 updates of 201 sweep points per second
  • 0.4ms/point fast list sweep (IFBW = 4 kHz)
  • Up to 4 traces simultaneous measurement/display
  • Eight active trace markers per channel
  • Instrument BASIC for customization
  • List sweep for efficient measurement
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