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安氏电子现货出售 8591EM频谱分析仪 13421374778 13826503990钟

xiaoyanzhong  发表于 2011/7/18 14:13:05      469 查看 0 回复  [上一主题]  [下一主题]


安氏电子现货出售   8591EM频谱分析仪  13421374778  13826503990钟
Agilent 8591EM|HP-8591EM EMC频谱分析仪|安捷伦

品牌:安捷伦 | Agilent | 惠普 | HP

*Setup keys link predefined CISPR bands with correct video CISPR resolution bandwidths
*Built-in amplitude correction automatically corrects fantenna, amplifier, cable losses
*Limit-line displays simultaneously compare device signals with up to two regulatory limits a specified measurement margin
*Predefined routines automatically measure all signals over a specified frequency range
*Measure, store, report up to 239 signals automatically

The Agilent 8591EM used spectrum analyzers belongs to the 8590EM series of EMC analyzers, which do not require an external computer automation software to perform automated EMC measurements.

With an upper frequency of 1.8 GHz, the 8591EM can perform precompliance tests on products with clock frequencies up to 108 MHz.

The 8591EM has two modes of operation: EMI analysis spectrum analysis. With the press of a key, this analyzer converts from EMC analyzer to full-function spectrum analyzer fuse in a wide variety of non-EMC applications.

Based on our highly versatile Agilent 8590 E-series spectrum analyzers, this EMC analyzer simplifies the EMC measurement process with fully integrated automation features.

Option Description:
004: Precision frequency reference
010: Built-in tracking generator, 50 Ohm ( 100 kHz-1.8 GHz)
023: RS232 Interface
041: GPIB RS-232 Interfaces
102: AM/FM demond. with speaker TV sync. trigger
103: Quasi-peak detectAM/FM demod with speaker
130: Narrow resolution bandwidths ( 30 Hz, 100 Hz, 300 Hz





专业回收/供应/租赁进口:电力分析仪 示波器 电源 示波表 阻抗分析仪 音频分析仪 高压测试仪 电子负载 万用表 信号发生器 频谱分析仪  综合测试仪 网络分析仪 频率计 功率计 逻辑分析仪 LCR电桥 校准仪等仪器仪表

深圳市安氏电子仪器有限公司   可上门现金回收仪器仪表
QQ: 630881034  1642709583 
手机:13826503990  13798215353  13421374778








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