xiaogui0344 | 当前状态:在线
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Anritsu MT8860B现货供应Anritsu MT8860B
xiaogui0344 发表于 2011/11/26 11:24:27 732 查看 0 回复 [上一主题] [下一主题]
选件11(memory expansion为将来升级软件提供可能性), 选件13 (IEEE802.11g-2003), 50欧
Anritsu公司日前推出了MT8860B WLAN测试设备,适用于802.11b/g器件的无线层测试。该产品集成了测试设备,可为正常工作条件下的测试设备模拟WLAN接入点,而无需专门的测试模拟软件。
The Anritsu MT8860B is the only WLAN Test Set with Network and Direct modes for testing WLAN devices conforming to IEEE 802.11 standards.
The MT8860B is an integrated one-box test set dedicated to testing 802.11 WLAN devices. It provides a high-speed measurement solution that is suitable for both production testing and design proving.
The MT8860B has two modes of operation: Network and Direct. The "Network" mode uses standard WLAN signaling and can be used for testing both the transmitter and receiver of DUTs. In "Direct" mode, the MT8860B tests DUT receivers by generating and transmitting WLAN packets, and tests DUT transmitters with its built-in transmitter analyzer. In Direct mode, the DUT must be controlled by the test mode software utility from the silicon supplier. The user interface is implemented through the supplied LANLook software package. LANLook runs on a standard PC and uses a conventional Windows?, based interface for both instrument configuration and results displays in clear numerical and graphical formats. LANLook communicates with the MT8860B through a GPIB interface
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