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whhqkj03  发表于 2016/3/10 13:42:45      1216 查看 0 回复  [上一主题]  [下一主题]


The Sherborne Sensors’ range of Solid State Accelerometers measure vector acceleration with high accuracy using an advanced micromachined (MEMS) silicon sensor incorporating a gas damping feature.  Unlike fluid damped devices the gas damping employed is essentially independent of temperature.  The transducer also incorporates positive mechanical stops confering excellent shock resistance.  The accelerometer is also compensated for the effects of temperature on both sensitivity and zero. 


。 Ranges ±1g to ±20g

。 Essentially zero temperature coefficent of damping ratio

。 Filtered and unfiltered outputs simultaneously available

。 Integral temperature compensation

。 DC input - DC output

。 Signal ground isolated from power ground

。 High reliability  

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