瑞士步琦公司BUCHI Labortechnik AG是全球旋转蒸发技术的市场领导者,并且在中压分离纯化制备色谱,平行反应合成,喷雾干燥仪,玻璃干燥仪,熔点仪,凯氏定氮,蛋白质和脂肪测定,食品饲料近红外品质分析等方面是全球市场主要的供货商。瑞士步琦公司成立于1939年,1957年推出世界上首台旋转蒸发仪,有效地解决了化学实验室中有机溶液的快速回收问题。1961年根据Kjeldahl方法生产出蛋白质测定仪。步琦公司的目标是在这些关键技术上保持产品开发,制造和应用的领先优势,我们相信:通过我们步琦公司提供的高质量的产品和优质的服务,我们能给广大的客户在研究开发创新和生产上提供强有力的支持。
瑞士步琦公司BUCHILabortechnik AG将于9月份南京石墨烯大会期间,在博览会的标准展区向全球首发他们近期最新的应用成果及产品。让我们拭目以待!
Graphene Reinforced Aluminium Alloy
Project Leader :JiansheLiua, James Sunga, Bo Zanga
Project Unit:HenanGraphene Synthetic Co.,LTD. , Renmin Road No.200, Changge City, China
Aluminum and its alloys are widely used for automotiveindustry, 3C products, aerospace and others. However, to cope with the low melting point and low strength ofaluminum, additive elements are added. For example, aluminum frames for car tires are added with silicon toenhance its strength. Carbon may be added to aluminum as additive, but almostall carbon additives are reactive to aluminum to form carbide and the unreactedcarbon clusters are weak. By adding lowdefects density graphene to molten aluminum, the graphene honeycomb can bepreserved with edges forming Al4C3 that contains strong carbyne sp1 bonds. If graphene is well dispersed 1wt% additionin aluminum can be stronger than 18wt% of silicon. Since grahene can be 100Xmore efficient in conducting electricity than aluminum, the graphene reinforcedaluminum cable may replace steel for the transmission high voltage electricity.
Fig. 3. Defect free graphene willform weak van der Waals bonds along honeycomb lattice of carbon atoms, but thedangling electrons on periphery will chemically react will aluminum to formsuper strong carbyne chains. As aresult, graphene enhanced aluminum alloy can be stronger than 10x moreexpensive titanium alloys.
E-mail: hhxfwhc@163.com
Highresponsivity sensing of unfocused laser and white light using graphenephotodetectors grown by chemical vapor deposition
Project Leader :YiboDong
Project Unit:KeyLaboratory of Optoelectronics Technology, School of Electronic Information andControl Engineering, Beijing, University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China
AGraphene photodetectors grown bychemical vapor deposition are fabricated for unfocused laser and white lightsensing. The unfocused light enlarges the illuminated graphene area and mimicsthe real-life sensing conditions, yielding a responsivity of 104 mA/W at roomtemperature without enhancing absorbance by waveguide and plasmonics. Thedevices are based on positive photoconductivity from the electron-holephotocarrier pairs and the bolometric-effect-induced negativephotoconductivity. The buried off-center local gate induces a net internalpotential in the graphene. The relative strength of the two photoconductivitiesdepends on the gate voltage. Distinct from most of the previous works, ourtechnology is scalable, which is a step ahead toward real applications.