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jhlu3  发表于 2009/7/23 23:54:19      1512 查看 0 回复  [上一主题]  [下一主题]


风力机 wind turbine
风力发电机组 wind turbine generator system;WTGS
水平轴风力机 horizontal axis wind turbine
垂直轴风力机 vertical axis wind turbine
轮毂(风力机) hub (for wind turbine)
机舱 nacelle
支撑结构 support structure for wind turbine
关机 shutdown  for wind turbine
正常关机 normal shutdown for wind turbine
紧急关机 emergercy shutdown for wind turbine
空转 idling
锁定 blocking
停机 parking
静止 standstill
制动器 brake
停机制动 parking brake
风轮转速 rotor speed
控制系统 control system
保护系统 protection system
偏航 yawing
设计和安全参数 design situation
载荷状况 load case
外部条件 external conditions
设计极限 design limits
极限状态 limit state
使用极限状态 serviceability limit states
最大极限状态 ultimate limit state
安全寿命 safe life
严重故障  catastrophic failure
潜伏故障 latent fault;dormant failure
风速 wind speed
风矢量 wind velocity
旋转采样风矢量 rotationally sampled wind velocity
额定风速 rated wind speed
切入风速 cut-in speed
切出风速 cut-out speed
年平均风速 annual average wind speed
平均风速mean wind speed
极端风速 extreme wind speed
安全风速 survival wind speed
参考风速reference wind speed
风速分布 wind speed distribution
瑞利分布RayLeigh distribution
威布尔分布 Weibull distribution
风切变 wind shear
风廓线风切变律 wind profile;wind shear law
风切变指数wind shear exponent
对数风切变律 logarithmic wind shear law
风切变幂律 power law for wind shear
下风向down wind
上风向 up wind
粗糙长度 roughness length
湍流强度 turbulence intensity
湍流尺度参数turbulence scale parameter
湍流惯性负区 inertial sub-range
互联 interconnection
额定功率 rated power
最大功率 maximum power
电网连接点 network connection point
电力汇集系统 power collection system
电场电器设备 site electrical facilities
功率特性power performance
静电功率输出 net electric power output
功率系数 power performance
自由流风速 free stream wind speed
扫掠面积 swept area
轮毂高度 hub height
测量功率曲线 measurement power curve
外推功率曲线 extrapolated power curve
年发电量 annual energy production
可利用率 availability
数据组功率特性测试 data set for power performance measurement
精度 accuracy
测量误差 uncertainty in measurement
分组方法 method of bins
测量周期 measurement period
测量扇区 measurement sector
日变化 diurmal variations
浆距角 pitch angle
距离常数 distance constant
试验场地 test site
气流畸变 flow distirtion
障碍物 obstacles
复杂地形带 complex terrain
风障 wind break
声压级 sound pressure level
声级 weighted sound pressure level; sound level
视在声功率级 apparent sound power level
指向性 directivity
音值 tonality
声的基准面风速 acoustic reference wind speed
标准风速 standardized wind speed
基准高度 reference height
基准粗糙长度 reference roughness length
基准距离 reference distance
掠射角 grazing angle
风轮 wind rotor
风轮直径 rotor diameter
风轮扫掠面积 rotor swept area
风轮仰角 tilt angle of rotor shaft
风轮偏航角 yawing angle of rotor shaft
风轮额定转速 rated turning speed of rotor
风轮最高转速 maximum turning speed of rotor
风轮尾流 rotor wake
尾流损失 wake losses
风轮实度 rotor solidity
实度损失 solidity losses
叶片数 numble of blades
叶片 blade
等截面叶片 constant chord blade
变截面叶片variable chord blade
叶片投影面积 projected area of blade
叶片长度 length of blade
叶根 root of blade
叶尖tip of blade
叶尖速度 tip speed
浆距角 pitch angle
翼型 airfoil
前缘 leading edge
后缘tailing edge
几何弦长 geometric chord of airfoil
平均几何弦长 mean geometric of airfoil
气动弦线 aerodynamic chord of airfoil
翼型厚度 thickness of airfoil
翼型相对厚度 relative thickness of airfoil
厚度函数 thickness function of airfoil
中弧线 mean line
弯度 degree of curvature
翼型族 the family of airfoil
弯度函数 curvature function of airfoil
叶片根梢比 ratio of tip-section chord to root-section chord
叶片展弦比  aspect ratio
叶片安装角setting angle of blade
叶片扭角twist of blade
叶片几何攻角 angle of attack of blade
叶片损失blade losses
叶尖损失tip losses
迎风机构orientation mechanism
调速机构 regulating mechamism
风轮偏测式调速机构 regulating mechanism of turning wind rotor out of the wind sideward
变浆距调速机构regulating mechanism by adjusting the pitch of blade
整流罩 nose cone
顺浆 feathering
阻尼板spoiling flap
风轮空气动力特性 aerodynamic chatacteristics of rotor
叶尖速度比 tip-speed ratio
额定叶尖速度比 rated tip-speed ratio
升力系数 lift coefficient
阻力系数 drag coefficient
推或拉力系数 thrust coefficient
滑动制动器sliding shoes
偏航 yawing
主动偏航active yawing
被动偏航 passive yawing
偏航驱动 yawing driven
解缆 untwist
独立式塔架 free stand tower
拉索式塔架 guyed tower
塔影响效应 influence by the tower shadow
功率特性 power performance
净电功率输出 net electric power output
功率系数 power coefficient
自由流风速 free stream wind speed
扫掠面积swept area
测量功率曲线 measured power curve
外推功率曲线 extrapolated power curve
年发电量 annual energy production
数据组 data set
可利用率 availability
精度 accuracy
测量误差 uncertainty in measurement
分组方法 method of bins
测量周期 measurement period
测量扇区 measurement sector
距离常数 distance constant
试验场地 test site
气流畸变 flow distortion
复杂地形地带 complex terrion
风障 wind break
声压级 sound pressure level
声级 weighted sound pressure level
视在声功率级 apparent sound power level
指向性 directivity
音值 tonality
声的基准风速 acoustic reference wind speed
标准风速 standardized wind speed
基准高度 reference height
基准粗糙长度 reference roughness
基准距离 reference distance
掠射角 grazing angle
比恩法 method of bins
标准误差 standard uncertainty
风能利用系数 rotor power coefficient
力矩系数 torque coefficient
额定力矩系数 rated torque coefficient
起动力矩系数starting torque coefficient
最大力矩系数maximum torque coefficient
过载度 ratio of over load
风力发电机组输出特性 output characteristic of WTGS
调节特性 regulating characteristics
平均噪声 average noise level
机组效率efficiency of WTGS
使用寿命 service life
度电成本 cost per kilowatt hour of the electricity generated by WTGS
同步电机 synchronous generator
异步电机 asynchrinous generator
感应电机 induction generator
转差率 slip
瞬态电流 transient rotor
笼型 cage
绕线转子 wound rotor
绕组系数 winding factor
换向器 commutator
集电环 collector ring
换向片 commutator segment
励磁响应 excitation response
制动系统 braking
制动机构 brake mechanism
正常制动系 normal braking system
紧急制动系 emergency braking system
空气制动系 air braking system
液压制动系 hydraulic braking system
电磁制动系 electromagnetic braking system
机械制动系 mechanical braking system
辅助装置 auxiliary device
制动器释放 braking releasing
制动器闭合 brake setting
液压缸 hydraulic cylinder
溢流阀 relief valve
泻油 drain
齿轮马达 gear motor
齿轮泵 gear pump
液压过滤器 hydraulic filter
液压泵hydraulic pump
液压系统 hydraulic system
油冷却器 oil cooler
压力控制器pressure control valve
压力继电器pressure switch
减压阀reducing valve
安全阀 safety valve
设定压力setting pressure
旋转接头rotating union
压力表pressure gauge
液压油hydraulic fluid
液压马达hydraulic motor
油封oil seal
刹车盘 brake disc
闸垫 brake pad
刹车油 brake fluid
闸衬片 brake lining
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