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批售AGILENT 82357B/82357B/82357B/USB-GPIB卡-15019246035

qq287979371  发表于 2012/3/6 14:35:38      435 查看 0 回复  [上一主题]  [下一主题]


批售AGILENT 82357B/82357B/82357B/USB-GPIB卡-15019246035

联系人:欧阳 15019246035

简单介绍 82357B USB/GPIB转换接口The Agilent 82357B USB/GPIB 82357B USB/GPIB转换接口 82357B USB/GPIB转换接口的详细介绍 82357B USB/GPIB转换接口 Plug and play interface USB 2.0 interface (USB 1.1 compatible) and IEEE 488 interface (connect up to 14 GPIB instruments) Standard - industry libraries mean you don磘 rewrite software. IO Libraries Suite 15.0 now shipping High-speed - transfer over 1.15MB/sec Added feature - Parallel Polling (check response of up to 8 devices at one single poll) The Agilent 82357B USB/GPIB Interface provides a direct connection from a USB port on your laptop or desktop PC to GPIB instruments. There are no switches to set, no PC cards to install, and no external power supplies required. Getting connected has never been easier.


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