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jobforyou   |   当前状态:在线

总积分:76  2024年可用积分:0

注册时间: 2011-12-14

最后登录时间: 2012-11-08

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猎头为高通中国有限公司寻找Firmware engineer

jobforyou  发表于 2012/11/6 19:59:38      1097 查看 1 回复  [上一主题]  [下一主题]


我是www.eepeople.com 猎头顾问Nicole Li。www.eepeople.com 是面向电子/电气工程行业人员的人脉社交网站,有大量500强公司如英特尔、高通、IBM、GE、GM、德州仪器等的要求2-5年经验的技术职位。也有EE/IT行业的薪酬报告供您参考。

现在高通中国有限公司急招一名Firmware engineer,具体信息如下:


职位名称                   Firmware engineer


公司                       高通中国有限公司


职能部门                   研发中心/R&D


职位所在城市               Beijing


职位所需经验               5年





These positions involve the development of DSP firmware in embedded C on proprietary DSP platforms for TD-SCDMA modem products. Successful candidates will participate in the design, implementation, integration, and verification of fixed-point DSP firmware. 



The two primary skill sets required for this position are real world experience in real-time embedded C implementation of the TD-SCDMA physical layer, along with a background in communication theory and digital signal processing (DSP)

Experience with modem physical layer testing, issue analysis, and debug is strongly desired.

5+ years preferred

Fluent in Chinese and English

Willing to travel inside of <st1:country-region w:st="on">China and to US. Team player. 

Education Requirements   MS in EE or CS preferred 


除上述职位外, www.eepeople.com 还有更多类似技术职位,并有众多名企的面试题和薪酬报告供您参考。有意者请将中英文简历发至这邮箱: nicoleli_nl01@163.com, 也可在www.eepeople.com上找到我并在线联系。








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    fangning   |   当前状态:在线

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    最后登录时间: 2013-03-05

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