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Most good Music Beat Maker Programs allow you to assign effects to unique tracks to give something special

monster88  发表于 2013/7/12 10:11:52      652 查看 0 回复  [上一主题]  [下一主题]


Tempo: This is how slow the speed of the beat is going to be. There
is a way to adjust to the pace of the song your making. If desire a beat
that's uptempo or a slow beat that's "swingy" and lazy, you can do that
by manually inputting a number or use the up and down arrows. Your
timeline is submissive with the tempo aspect, you can also broaden what
time signature your beat will play in. Each time signature has a
different swing to it,Beats Superman you can play around with it until you find something that suits your style.

Mixing It Up: Just like pro mixing boards, you have a complete set of
sliders and/or knobs at your disposal. These allow you to change the
volume, EQ, aux, and effects trail of every track. If your piano or
snare section is not high enough, you can use these controls to pump it
up more to your liking. You also have knobs to "pan" from left to right,
this allows you to condition the volume in which sound is heard in
either ear. One example of this is If you just want your strings part to
be more self-evident to the left side, then all you have to do is shift
the pan knob more to the left.

Audio Effects: Most good Music Beat Maker Programs allow you to
assign effects to unique tracks to give something special, intriguing
and different. Effects like Delay will add some repeated echo, like in a
canyon. Reverb, will make instrument sound as if it's in a room or
concert hall. Distortion can be used to make the sound more gritty,
while chorus will double up the sound. There is no clear rule on using
effects,Beats studio Superman they can really add character and style to mirror your creative thought.

To sum up, most hip hop music mixer software has all of these
features and more. Only by knowing a bit about what each section of the
program is made to do will allow you to put away most freshmen.

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