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swy   |   当前状态:在线

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B&R PLC 很难用

swy  发表于 2015/10/29 20:30:05      1056 查看 3 回复  [上一主题]  [下一主题]


老板让我做一个贝加莱B&R  PLC (产地-奥地利) 的项目, 编程软件 AUTOMATION STUDIO, 实在太难用了。

1) AS 太慢,半天出不来

2)售后服务太差, 有问题让你自己看help

3)  简单问题复杂化,例如:HMI 屏幕转换还要写CODE。

4)不易上手的软件,比BECKHOFF 差多了。

5)资源太少,很多人不知道,sample program 基本没有。

6)编译一个小程序 要5 分钟


1) my company does use some B&R stuff, but we are switching away from it.
This is more due to generally streamlining our technological platform than with any dissaftisfaction with B&R.
Apart from products from our own company that uses B&R, I have never seen a B&R PLC out in real life.

2)My opinion, based on my experience, is pretty poor on B&R. In the states they have a good branch, with decent tech support and inventory, but my complaint is with the equipment itself.

3) 有人问我该用B&R PLC吗?


best tip is don't use it. Its a nightmare!!! If you have no idea you will need a training course. its not something you can pick up easily

4)Overcoming under delivering , inconsistent performance of B&R hardware and software combined with extremly long start up nearly destroyed our company . Stay away from the junk.

5) 如果你有很多时间,可以用B&R.

If you do not care about programming time and associated costs it can be a good solution, but as a startup we are about to break our neck because of this ludicrus software where programing time is absurdly time consuming. Tasks that we can do in 15 minutes on ex. Nanotec or Maxon drives takes roughly 10 hours to do in B&R. The software is simply immature and clumsy, and making changes takes forever. It is incomprihensible that it takes more tha a day to change an air cylinder to a steppermotor liner actuator that does the same.


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