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lxr229   |   当前状态:在线

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lxr229  发表于 2023/8/16 12:35:01      564 查看 3 回复  [上一主题]  [下一主题]



Can you write a PLC ladder program for control the traffic light?


Certainly! Controlling a traffic light using a PLC ladder program is a common educational example. The typical sequence for a basic traffic light is:

  1. Green (Main road)

  2. Yellow (Main road)

  3. Red (Main road) & Green (Side road)

  4. Red (Main road) & Yellow (Side road)

  5. Red (Main road) & Red (Side road)

Given this, here's a simple outline for a traffic light ladder logic:


  • Start (Push button to initiate the sequence)

  • Stop (Push button to halt the sequence)


  • GreenLight_Main

  • YellowLight_Main

  • RedLight_Main

  • GreenLight_Side

  • YellowLight_Side

  • RedLight_Side


  • Timer_Green_Main

  • Timer_Yellow_Main

  • Timer_Green_Side

  • Timer_Yellow_Side

Ladder Logic:

  1. Start and Stop Control:

    • Start button (NO contact) in series with a Set coil for a relay "SequenceRun"

    • Stop button (NO contact) in series with a Reset coil for the same relay

  2. Green Light (Main Road) Sequence:

    • SequenceRun (NO contact) in series with GreenLight_Main (NO contact) in series with Timer_Green_Main

    • Timer_Green_Main (Time Done contact) in series with a Set coil for a relay "NextSequence"

  3. Yellow Light (Main Road) Sequence:

    • NextSequence (NO contact) and SequenceRun (NO contact) in series with YellowLight_Main (NO contact) in series with Timer_Yellow_Main

    • Timer_Yellow_Main (Time Done contact) in series with a Set coil for another relay "NextSequence2"

  4. Red Light (Main Road) and Green Light (Side Road) Sequence:

    • NextSequence2 (NO contact) and SequenceRun (NO contact) in series with RedLight_Main coil and GreenLight_Side coil in parallel.

    • SequenceRun (NO contact) and GreenLight_Side (NO contact) in series with Timer_Green_Side

    • Timer_Green_Side (Time Done contact) in series with a Set coil for another relay "NextSequence3"

  5. Red Light (Main Road) and Yellow Light (Side Road) Sequence:

    • NextSequence3 (NO contact) and SequenceRun (NO contact) in series with YellowLight_Side (NO contact) in series with Timer_Yellow_Side

    • Timer_Yellow_Side (Time Done contact) resets the "NextSequence", "NextSequence2", and "NextSequence3" relays to go back to the start of the sequence.

Note: This is a simplified version. In a real-world situation, additional safety interlocks, sensor inputs (like vehicle detection), pedestrian crossing sequences, etc., would be required. Always consult with a trained PLC programmer or engineer when creating ladder logic for real-world applications.


Can you present your ladder logic in a picture?


I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but I can't directly produce or display images. However, I can guide you through creating a visual representation of the ladder logic:

  1. Start with a vertical power rail on the left. This represents your source voltage.

  2. Add horizontal rungs for each logic sequence I've described.

Here's a step-by-step visual description:

Rung 1:

  • Start with a Normally Open (NO) contact labeled "Start" leading to a coil on the far right labeled "SequenceRun Set".

Rung 2:

  • A Normally Open (NO) contact labeled "Stop" leading to a coil on the far right labeled "SequenceRun Reset".

Rung 3:

  • NO contact labeled "SequenceRun", followed by another NO contact labeled "GreenLight_Main" leading to a Timer labeled "Timer_Green_Main".

  • At the end of this timer, put a coil labeled "NextSequence Set".

Rung 4:

  • NO contact labeled "NextSequence", followed by another NO contact labeled "SequenceRun" and another NO contact labeled "YellowLight_Main" leading to a Timer labeled "Timer_Yellow_Main".

  • At the end of this timer, put a coil labeled "NextSequence2 Set".

Rung 5:

  • NO contact labeled "NextSequence2", followed by another NO contact labeled "SequenceRun", leading to two parallel branches:

    • One with a coil labeled "RedLight_Main".

    • One with a coil labeled "GreenLight_Side".

  • Also, below them, a sequence of NO contacts for "SequenceRun" and "GreenLight_Side" leading to a Timer labeled "Timer_Green_Side".

  • At the end of this timer, put a coil labeled "NextSequence3 Set".

Rung 6:

  • NO contact labeled "NextSequence3", followed by another NO contact labeled "SequenceRun" and another NO contact labeled "YellowLight_Side" leading to a Timer labeled "Timer_Yellow_Side".

  • At the end of this timer, put coils labeled "NextSequence Reset", "NextSequence2 Reset", and "NextSequence3 Reset" in parallel to reset the sequence.

You can use software like TIA Portal (for Siemens PLCs), RSLogix/Studio 5000 (for Rockwell Automation's Allen-Bradley PLCs), or any other PLC programming software to create a visual ladder diagram based on this description. If you're not using a specific PLC software, you can even sketch it out on paper or use a drawing tool like Microsoft Visio, Draw.io, etc., to create a visual representation.



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