边缘学科 frontier science
成组技术 group technology
创业园 high-tech business incubator; pioneer park
to encourage the integration of natural and social sciences
工业园区 industrial park
general, key and support technologies
国家创新体系 a state system for encouraging innovation
国家重点实验室 national key laboratories
火炬计划 Torch Program (a plan to develop new and high technology)
技术产权交易所 technology equity market; technology property right exchange
技术交底 confide a technological secret to sb.
技术密集产品 technology-intensive product
技术下乡 spread technological knowledge to farmers
加大……的力度 strengthen the efforts to
交叉学科 interdisciplinary branch of science
develop this generation of products while researching the next generation of products
科技与经济脱节 science and technology are out of line from the economy
科技成果转化为生产力 transfer of scientific and technological achievements into productive forces
科技含量 technology content
科技是第一生产力 Science and technology constitute a primary productive force.
科技体制改革 reform of the science and technology management system
科教兴国 rely on science, technology and education to rejuvenate the nation
科教兴国战略 strategy of developing China through science, technology and education
科研院所管理体制改革 reform of the system for managing research institutes
可持续发展战略 strategy of sustainable development
academicians of the Chinese Academy of Science and Chinese Academy of Engineering
民营科技企业 private science and technology enterprises
推广科研成果 turning laboratory achievements into commercial/mass production; commercialization of laboratory achievements
新兴学科 new branch of science
研究成果 research results
孵化器 incubator
在孵企业 incubated enterprises
知识创新工程试点 the pilot knowledge innovation project
农业科技 Agricultural Science and Technology
农产品加工及转化 the processing and commercialization of agricultural products
节水农业 water saving agriculture
农作物新品种选育 the selection and breeding of new crops
白色农业 white agriculture (microbiological agriculture and biological cell agriculture)
超级杂交水稻 super-hybrid rice
生态农业 environmental-friendly agriculture
立体农业 three-dimensional agriculture
信息技术 Information Technology (IT)
超大规模集成电路 super integrated circuits
超高速巨型机算机 giant ultra-high-speed computer
传输控制协议/网络协议 TCP/IP—transmission control protocol/internet protocol
large-scale parallel computer system Shenwei I
第三代移动电话/3G手机 third generation mobile; 3G mobile
电脑病毒 computer viruses
电脑犯罪 computer crime
电邮 e-mail (electronic mail)
电子管理 e-management
电子货币 e-currency
电子商务 e-commerce (EC); e-business
电子商务认证 e-business certification
非对称数字用户环路 Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Loop (ADSL)
高清晰度电视 high definition TV (HDTV)
高速宽带互联网 high-speed broadband networks
高性能计算机 high-performance computer
公告板 bulletin board system (BBS)
光谷 optical valley
光机电一体化 optical, mechanical and electronic integration
光盘杂志 CD-ROM magazine
光通讯 photo-communication; optical communication
广域网 wide area network (WAN)
汉字处理软件 Chinese character processing software
黑客 hacker
(计算机)2000年问题 Y2K problem
计算机辅助教育 computer assisted instruction (CAI)
计算机辅助设计/制造 computer aided design/manufacture (CAD/CAM)
计算机合成制造系统 computer integrated manufacturing system (CIMS)
计算机文化 cyber culture
(计算机)中央处理器 central processing unit (CPU)
界面 interface
金融电子化 computerize financial services
局域网 local area network (LAN)
门户网站 portals
能上网的手机 WAP phone
人工智能 artificial intelligence (AI)
人机交互 human-computer interaction
软件天才 software wizard
视频点播 video on demand
手机入网费 mobile access fee
数字地球 digital globe
刷/划卡 punch the card; stamp the card
死机 system halted
统一资源定位器 uniform resource locator (URL)
外联网(计算机) extranet
万维网 World Wide Web (WWW)
网吧 cyber café
网络出版 online publishing
网络管理员 network administrator
网络化 networking
网络经济 cyber economy
网络空间 cyberspace
网络世界 cyber world
网民 netizen
网上冲浪 web-surfing
网上犯罪 cyber crime
网上购物 shopping online
网上交易平台 online trading platform
网上贸易 cyber business
网页 web page
网站 website
卫星导航 satellite navigation
无线应用协议 wireless application protocol (WAP)
下网 off line
下载 download
信息产业部电信管理局 Telecommunication Management Bureau of Ministry of Information Industry
信息高地 information highland
信息高速公路 information superhighway
信息革命 information revolution
信息含量 information content
信息化 informationize
信息技术协议 Information Technology Agreement (ITA)
信息检索 information retrieval
虚拟网 virtual net
虚拟现实 virtual reality
液晶显示屏 liquid crystal display (LCD)
移动电话双向收费 two-way charges for cellular phones
因特网服务提供者 Internet service provider (ISP)
应用软件 internet applications
域名系统 domain name system (DNS)
在线 on line
掌上电脑 palm computer
政府上网工程 Government Online Project
中文信息处理系统 Chinese information processing system
主页 home page
综合业务数字网 integrated service digital network (ISDN)
生物技术 Bio-technology
克隆 cloning
电磁式生物芯片 electromagnetic biochips
基因工程 genetic engineering
基因突变 genetic mutation
基因图谱 genome
生物芯片 biochips
转基因动植物 genetically modified (GM) animals and plants
转基因生物 genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
转基因食品 genetically modified (GM) food
地球科学和空间科学 Geosciences and Space Science
“长征二号F”运载火箭 Long March II F carrier rocket
地热资源 geothermal resources
多任务小卫星 small multi-mission satellite (SMMS)
the successful launch of the Fengyun II meteorological satellite
全球变暖 global warming
“神州五号”载人飞船 manned spacecraft Shenzhou V
同步卫星 geostationary satellite
全球定位系统 global positioning system (GPS)
成组技术 group technology
创业园 high-tech business incubator; pioneer park
to encourage the integration of natural and social sciences
工业园区 industrial park
general, key and support technologies
国家创新体系 a state system for encouraging innovation
国家重点实验室 national key laboratories
火炬计划 Torch Program (a plan to develop new and high technology)
技术产权交易所 technology equity market; technology property right exchange
技术交底 confide a technological secret to sb.
技术密集产品 technology-intensive product
技术下乡 spread technological knowledge to farmers
加大……的力度 strengthen the efforts to
交叉学科 interdisciplinary branch of science
develop this generation of products while researching the next generation of products
科技与经济脱节 science and technology are out of line from the economy
科技成果转化为生产力 transfer of scientific and technological achievements into productive forces
科技含量 technology content
科技是第一生产力 Science and technology constitute a primary productive force.
科技体制改革 reform of the science and technology management system
科教兴国 rely on science, technology and education to rejuvenate the nation
科教兴国战略 strategy of developing China through science, technology and education
科研院所管理体制改革 reform of the system for managing research institutes
可持续发展战略 strategy of sustainable development
academicians of the Chinese Academy of Science and Chinese Academy of Engineering
民营科技企业 private science and technology enterprises
推广科研成果 turning laboratory achievements into commercial/mass production; commercialization of laboratory achievements
新兴学科 new branch of science
研究成果 research results
孵化器 incubator
在孵企业 incubated enterprises
知识创新工程试点 the pilot knowledge innovation project
农业科技 Agricultural Science and Technology
农产品加工及转化 the processing and commercialization of agricultural products
节水农业 water saving agriculture
农作物新品种选育 the selection and breeding of new crops
白色农业 white agriculture (microbiological agriculture and biological cell agriculture)
超级杂交水稻 super-hybrid rice
生态农业 environmental-friendly agriculture
立体农业 three-dimensional agriculture
信息技术 Information Technology (IT)
超大规模集成电路 super integrated circuits
超高速巨型机算机 giant ultra-high-speed computer
传输控制协议/网络协议 TCP/IP—transmission control protocol/internet protocol
large-scale parallel computer system Shenwei I
第三代移动电话/3G手机 third generation mobile; 3G mobile
电脑病毒 computer viruses
电脑犯罪 computer crime
电邮 e-mail (electronic mail)
电子管理 e-management
电子货币 e-currency
电子商务 e-commerce (EC); e-business
电子商务认证 e-business certification
非对称数字用户环路 Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Loop (ADSL)
高清晰度电视 high definition TV (HDTV)
高速宽带互联网 high-speed broadband networks
高性能计算机 high-performance computer
公告板 bulletin board system (BBS)
光谷 optical valley
光机电一体化 optical, mechanical and electronic integration
光盘杂志 CD-ROM magazine
光通讯 photo-communication; optical communication
广域网 wide area network (WAN)
汉字处理软件 Chinese character processing software
黑客 hacker
(计算机)2000年问题 Y2K problem
计算机辅助教育 computer assisted instruction (CAI)
计算机辅助设计/制造 computer aided design/manufacture (CAD/CAM)
计算机合成制造系统 computer integrated manufacturing system (CIMS)
计算机文化 cyber culture
(计算机)中央处理器 central processing unit (CPU)
界面 interface
金融电子化 computerize financial services
局域网 local area network (LAN)
门户网站 portals
能上网的手机 WAP phone
人工智能 artificial intelligence (AI)
人机交互 human-computer interaction
软件天才 software wizard
视频点播 video on demand
手机入网费 mobile access fee
数字地球 digital globe
刷/划卡 punch the card; stamp the card
死机 system halted
统一资源定位器 uniform resource locator (URL)
外联网(计算机) extranet
万维网 World Wide Web (WWW)
网吧 cyber café
网络出版 online publishing
网络管理员 network administrator
网络化 networking
网络经济 cyber economy
网络空间 cyberspace
网络世界 cyber world
网民 netizen
网上冲浪 web-surfing
网上犯罪 cyber crime
网上购物 shopping online
网上交易平台 online trading platform
网上贸易 cyber business
网页 web page
网站 website
卫星导航 satellite navigation
无线应用协议 wireless application protocol (WAP)
下网 off line
下载 download
信息产业部电信管理局 Telecommunication Management Bureau of Ministry of Information Industry
信息高地 information highland
信息高速公路 information superhighway
信息革命 information revolution
信息含量 information content
信息化 informationize
信息技术协议 Information Technology Agreement (ITA)
信息检索 information retrieval
虚拟网 virtual net
虚拟现实 virtual reality
液晶显示屏 liquid crystal display (LCD)
移动电话双向收费 two-way charges for cellular phones
因特网服务提供者 Internet service provider (ISP)
应用软件 internet applications
域名系统 domain name system (DNS)
在线 on line
掌上电脑 palm computer
政府上网工程 Government Online Project
中文信息处理系统 Chinese information processing system
主页 home page
综合业务数字网 integrated service digital network (ISDN)
生物技术 Bio-technology
克隆 cloning
电磁式生物芯片 electromagnetic biochips
基因工程 genetic engineering
基因突变 genetic mutation
基因图谱 genome
生物芯片 biochips
转基因动植物 genetically modified (GM) animals and plants
转基因生物 genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
转基因食品 genetically modified (GM) food
地球科学和空间科学 Geosciences and Space Science
“长征二号F”运载火箭 Long March II F carrier rocket
地热资源 geothermal resources
多任务小卫星 small multi-mission satellite (SMMS)
the successful launch of the Fengyun II meteorological satellite
全球变暖 global warming
“神州五号”载人飞船 manned spacecraft Shenzhou V
同步卫星 geostationary satellite
全球定位系统 global positioning system (GPS)