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Steel Castings UT and MP Testing Inspector - Luoya

ieces  发表于 2009/4/15 13:33:46      1059 查看 0 回复  [上一主题]  [下一主题]


We have a potential need for UT and MP testing of two steel casting for two girth gear halves being manufactured at CITIC Luoyang, China. The testing specification is ASTM A609 Class 1 and contract specific requirements. NDT Technician qualifications are ASNT SNT-TC-1A (latest edition) class 11. Further details will be provided upon your response.

Please provide nomination of suitably qualified personnel and copies of qualifications, their home base, summary of hourly rates and expenses and their availability.

I’m looking forward to your kindly reply.

Thanks and Best regards,

Recuitment Specialist
EPCHR Consultants Ltd. Guangdong, P.R.China
Website: www.EPCHR.com
Email: epchr01@126.com
Tel: +86-0752-2050067
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