楼主 2005/1/21 12:38:03
应该是kalman某年在苏联举办的IFAC大会上提出来的 但是当时被搞经典控制的苏联大家批的一无是处
楼主 2005/1/21 12:39:02
@article{ Author = {Kalman, Rudolph, Emil},[36m Title = {A New Approach to Linear Filtering and Prediction Problems Journal = {Transactions of the ASME--Journal of Basic Engineering Volume = {82},[1;34m Number = {Series D}, Pages = {35-45}, Year = {1960}[1;34m } http://www.cs.unc.edu/~welch/kalman/kalmanPaper.html
楼主 2005/1/21 12:39:51
During the 1960s, Kalman was the leader in the development of a rigorous theory of control systems. Among his many outstanding contributions[36m [m were the formulation and study of most fundamental state-space notions (including controllability, observability, minimality, realizability from input/output data, matrix Riccati equations, linear-quadratic control, and the separation principle) that are today ubiquitous in control. While some of these concepts were also encountered in other contexts, such as optimal control theory, it was Kalman who recognized the central role that they play in systems analysis. The paradigms formulated by Kalman and the basic results he established have become an intrinsic part of the foundations of control and systems theory and are standard tools in research as well as in every exposition of the area, from undergraduate engineering textbooks to graduate-level mathematics research monographs http://www.math.rutgers.edu/~sontag/FTP_DIR/rek
楼主 2005/1/21 12:40:41
对于此问题,这两篇文章值得看看: R.E Kalman, “On the General Theory of Control Systems,” Proceedings of the Fir st IFAC Congress in Moscow, vol. 1, pp. 481-492, London, Butter-worth, 1960 KALMAN, R.E., "Mathematical description of linear dynamical systems," SIAM J. Control, vol. 1, 1963, pp. 152-192