How can I print a hardcopy in landscape format with WinCC V5 (SP2) / WinCC V5.1?
To do this configure a button with the following command:
WinExec("PrtScr.exe -l -nomcp",SW_SHOWNORMAL);
The following parameters are available:
-nomcp: this parameters starts PRTSCR.exe, triggers the hardcopy and then closes again.
-hardcopy: this parameters starts PRTSCR.exe, triggers the hardcopy and waits for the hotkey.
-end: this parameter ends the instance of PRTSCR.exe currently running.
If Runtime has already started and you then configure this button, it may be that -hardcopy doesn't work because PRTSCR.exe is already active. You must then close Runtime and restart it. Or close it with -end and then use -nomcp.
How can you make a hardcopy of picture subareas (e.g. curve windows)?
You have located a curve window, for example, in your picture. Now you want to make a hardcopy of this window. You can do this if you have installed Basic Process Control on your computer. Then, in the DRIVE: \Siemens\WinCC\bin directory you will find the prtscrn.dll file. For the hardcopy you must know the coordinates and size of your window. Then you can trigger the hardcopy as follows via a button:
#pragma code ("prtscrn.dll")
#include "prtscrn.h"
#pragma code()
long Left, Top, Width, Height;
Top = 10;
Height = 400;
PrtScreenPart ((ULONG) Left, (ULONG) Top, (ULONG) Width, (ULONG) Height);