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Braided Flexible metal conduit with stainless stee

semi  发表于 2009/1/4 11:37:58      585 查看 0 回复  [上一主题]  [下一主题]



Braided Flexible metal conduit with stainless steel braiding for heavy mechanical stress

With additional stainless steel wire braiding, flexible Metal conduit with stainless steel braiding is used to counter mechanical stress and is highly flexible, though resistant against tensile stresses and transverse.

Braided Flexible Metallic Conduits
DELIKON overbraided flexible metal conduit systems protect vulnerable cabling on metal machining, welding or heavy plant where abrasion, spillage and increased temperature are all serious operational considerations.

EMC Shielding for CNC machine toolings and automation wirings     
The Screen System overbraiding can afford a standard or high degree of EMI screening capability protecting the cables carried within the flexible system.
<p align="center"><a href="http://www.delikon.com/cncwire.htm"><img border="0" src="http://www.delikon.com/images/cncwirel1.jpg" alt="Braided Flexible metal conduit with stainless steel braiding for heavy mechanical stress">


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