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aojiehr   |   当前状态:离线

总积分:77  2024年可用积分:0

注册时间: 2005-08-12

最后登录时间: 2018-05-11

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aojiehr  发表于 2005/11/24 15:40:18      1074 查看 0 回复  [上一主题]  [下一主题]


工作地点:上海市闵行经济技术开发区(有班车) 招聘人数:1 性 别:性别不限 学 历:大专 工作年限:五年以上 薪水范围:面议 外语要求:英语 接受简历语言:中文和英文 职位描述: Production Department / Assistant Production Manager 生产部 / 助理生产经理 Job Description: Assist Production Manager to Ensure effective and efficient use of manpower, materials and equipment, and to meet requirement of existing and projected orders. Plan, oversee and improve all manufacturing activities within the plant to ensure continuous and efficient production at a desired level of quantity, quality and cost. Coordinate with other department in planning and implementing manufacturing programs. Compile production data, advise management on manufacturing activities, performance and results, and recommend corrective actions related to delayed schedule, excessive costs, materials shortage, quality issues and other deterrent factors. Requirement: 1.熟悉生产型企业的运营过程和企业结构,具备人工总装流水线管理经验者优先考虑。 2.至少5年制造型外资企业生产主管或以上岗位工作经验。 3.能用英语进行书面和口头的交流。 4.机械专业毕业,大专以上 5.家住公司附近或公司班车沿线优先考虑 待遇:8K(13薪)可面议 委托单位:上海奥杰人才咨询服务有限公司(个人不收费) 联系电话:021-33188255 林先生 E-mail : aojiehr@vip.sina.com 如您对该职位感兴趣,请将您的中英文简历发送至上面的邮箱
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