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agilent 16451b电介质夹具 现货特价

puzheny168  发表于 2011/10/9 11:58:42      589 查看 0 回复  [上一主题]  [下一主题]


现货,8成新以上.质量完好.Agilent 16451B精确测量与评估电介质材料,与ASTM D150兼容。Agilent 16451B采用平行极板技术,将被测材料夹于两电极间形成电容器。然后使用LCR 表或抗阻分析仪测量由夹具形成的电容。020-34303393    13710669829 高小姐

Description: The 16451B is used to evaluate the dielectric
constant of solid dielectric materials accurately, and
complies with ASTM D150. The 16451B employs the parallel
plate method, which sandwiches the material
between two electrodes to form a capacitor. LCR meter or
an Impedance Analyzer is then used to measure the
capacitance created from the fixture.

Applicable Instruments: 4263B, 4268A, 4279A, 4284A, 4285A, 4288A, 4294A, E4980A, (4192A, 4194A, 4263A, 4278A)*
* denotes the instrument is obsolete.

Frequency: . 30 MHz

Maximum Voltage: +/-42 V peak max. (AC+DC)

Operating Temperature: 0C to 55C

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