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Channel & Global Key Account (GKA) Manager

悉雅特  发表于 2007/4/13 18:21:32      1458 查看 0 回复  [上一主题]  [下一主题]


悉雅特公司(Citect Corporation)是全球SCADA/MES软件及其它工业自动化软件最著名的独立的软件供应商之一。悉雅特公司在中国建立分支机构已有11年的历史,大中国区的总部设在上海,在北京、广州、重庆分别设有办事处,由于中国地区的业务发展需要,现诚聘以下有志英才加盟各办事处:

  1. Implementing CIP (Citect Integration Partner) program in China and coordinating with CIP HQ.
  2. Making practical partnership agreements and policies according to China market situation.
  3. Searching for qualified partners together with regional sales teams and collecting feedbacks from partners.
  4. GKA (Global Key Account) focusing together with regional sales teams in China.
  5. Coordinating Global Key Accounts worldwide.

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