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供应二手惠普 HP8562E 13.2G频谱分析仪HP 8562E 谭艳飞13543805887/李S

jiayou00  发表于 2012/4/9 11:34:46      206 查看 0 回复  [上一主题]  [下一主题]



供应二手惠普 HP8562E 13.2G频谱分析仪HP 8562E 谭艳飞13543805887/李S


Discontinued product - support information only. This product has been replaced by the 8562EC.

The Agilent 8562E is a high-performance spectrum analyzer that provides the frequency and dynamic range (DANL: -151 dBm) needed for today's high-speed digital wireless communication applications. It allows manufacturing and R&D engineers to test network components with state-of-the-art performance.

The 8562E has a frequency range of 30 Hz to 13.2 GHz, which covers the spur-search ranges specified by leading standards organization in Europe and the United States for GSM. With its fast DLP execution speed, Agilent 8562E reduces your test times in production.


·               Continuous 30 Hz to 13.2 GHz sweep

·               Resolution bandwidths of 1 to 100 Hz digitally implemented for measurement speed

·               Low phase noise and wide dynamic range

·               Precision timebase and 1 Hz counter resolution

·               Adjacent channel power, channel power, carrier power, and gated video measurements standard

·               MIL-T-28800 rugged

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