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ccapeng   |   当前状态:在线

总积分:56  2024年可用积分:0

注册时间: 2011-08-27

最后登录时间: 2013-07-24

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ccapeng  发表于 2013/3/14 9:46:07      791 查看 0 回复  [上一主题]  [下一主题]






目前我公司拥有13项铜包铝、铜包钢的国家专利,通过ISO9001质量体系和14001环境体系认证,建立了完善的质量管理体系和环境管理体系,公司多次荣获“江苏省星级企业”、“重合同守信用企业 ”、“AAA级企业”, 2009年被认定为国家级高新技术企业,江苏省民营科技企业、江苏省优势成长企业、吴江百强企业。我们坚持“一丝不苟追求卓越品质 精益求精 实现顾客满意”的质量方针,“遵守环保法规,提高全员意识,坚持污染预防,实现清洁生产”的环境方针服务、奉献于国内外广大客户。






电话:13862184141    彭先生    QQ:691238606



Company Introduction

Suzhou Nanfang Xinda Bimetallic Material Co.,Ltd specializes in the R & D and mass production of bimetallic composite conductor of copper clad aluminum wire, copper clad steel wire and copper clad aluminum busbar. The annual output of bimetallic composite material is about 10000 metric tons. In the last continuous six years the output was No.1 in the industry. It is a national leader in bimetallic composite material manufacturing industry. Suzhou Nanfang Xinda Bimetallic Material Co.,Ltd has two production bases in Jiangsu and Anhui province. Jiangsu production base is in Qidu Town located in the south coast of beautiful Taihu Lake; also in the Yangtze River Delta economical circle which is the most developed area in <st1:country-region w:st="on">China. The factory covers an area of 20000 square meters. With about 120 staff who are specialized in producing copper clad aluminum wire. Anhui production base is in Anhui Guangde Economic Development Zone. The factory covers an area of 43000 square meters. With about 100 staff who are specialized in producing copper clad aluminum busbar and copper clad steel wire. By using clad-welding technique, the product copper clad aluminum wire, copper clad steel wire and copper clad aluminum busbar etc. have the characteristics of stable physical property, high strength ,light in weight and easy been processed. The product performance index has approved by national authority organization, is widely used in the fields of CATV cable, RF cable, leakage cable, high frequency signal transmission cable, power cable, high and low pressure distribution box, switchgear, busway and transformer etc. and getting excellent performance in high-tech fields such as telecommunication, military production, aerospace industry, computer and electronics.


The company has been granted thirteen national patents for copper clad aluminum and copper clad steel, and has been certified to ISO9001 and ISO14001, set up a sophisticated system of quality and environment, also has been awarded numerous prizes at national and provincial level such as "The Star-Grade Enterprise of Jiangsu Province", "Honoring Contracts and Standing by Reputation", "AAA Grade Enterprise", etc. The company was assessed as high and new technology enterprise in 2009. And it was praised as Jiangsu Private Technology Enterprise, Jisngsu High Growth Enterprise and Wujiang Hundred Strong Enterprise. We adhere to the quality principle of “Cross the t’s and dot the i’s, seeking increasing perfection, persuiting high-quality, achieving customer satisfaction ”.Guided by the environment principle of “complying  with environmental laws, strengthening the staff awareness, sticking to prevention of pollution, realizing clean production”. We will devote to our customers at home and  abroad by using state-of-the-art technology, first-class product and first-rate service.


Suzhou Nanfang Xinda Bimetallic Material Co.,Ltd

Jiangsu production base Address: No.88 Juyuan Road,Qidu Town,Wujiang City,Jiangsu Province,<st1:country-region w:st="on">China

Anhui production base Address:No.1,Pengju Road, Guangde Economic Development Zone,Anhui Province,<st1:country-region w:st="on">China

Linxi Road West, Pengju Road North, Guangde Economic Development Zone, Anhui Province, <st1:country-region w:st="on">China

Tel: 13862184141  Mr.Peng    Emial: ccapeng@163.com


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