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netwell   |   当前状态:在线

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netwell  发表于 2008/11/7 20:22:20      4526 查看 16 回复  [上一主题]  [下一主题]


    公司里来了个电气专业刚毕业不久的本科生,一天他需要6V直流电源,却翻来覆去也找不到6V变压器整流电源,只到了块9V的干电池。于是他一边拿导线接干电池的+、- 端短路,一边拿万用表测干电池电压。我们问他为什么好端端的要把电池给短路了,这哥们说:“电池9V,只要短路放电到6V我就可以用了。” 我们呆了半天,然后笑抽了~~










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  • HXY163168

    HXY163168   |   当前状态:在线

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    HXY163168   发表于 2008/9/19 16:54:25

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  • netwell

    netwell   |   当前状态:在线

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    netwell   发表于 2008/9/19 18:27:49

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  • true_toyou

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    true_toyou   发表于 2008/9/19 18:32:32

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  • netwell

    netwell   |   当前状态:在线

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    netwell   发表于 2008/9/19 19:37:33





    同事:不需要 。








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  • junhong07

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    junhong07   发表于 2008/9/19 21:35:29

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  • netwell

    netwell   |   当前状态:在线

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    netwell   发表于 2008/9/21 12:01:10

    佛等: 什么?昨天有考试??
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  • rando

    rando   |   当前状态:离线

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    rando   发表于 2008/9/21 13:36:25


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  • netwell

    netwell   |   当前状态:在线

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    netwell   发表于 2008/11/7 20:22:20

            一个小伙子(电工中专毕业)在车间实习, 不知怎么回事, 把两根相线380V给短路了. 听到轰的一声巨响, 小伙子大喊大叫说自己眼睛看不见. 车间主任(他表叔)立马让人送他到医院, 检查后没什么事情视力就恢复过来了.  报药费时车间主任跟领导解释: 幸好这小子是学电工专业的, 不然的话眼睛就保不住了.   听到的几个人都笑喷了
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  • kevinbenson

    kevinbenson   |   当前状态:离线

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    kevinbenson   发表于 2014/11/7 13:41:12

    The "down low" on men's high end and stylish attire is low deals. My quest to meet these standards started 2 decades ago, with regard to boyfriend with little money and hated to appear. This spread to colleagues and children. Why me? I like to shop and Locate good deals! To this day my greatest find was an Italian, hand sewn, silk tie originally marked $225 and I paid $12.95. According towards the Crazy 8 website, The Gymboree Corporation opened observe Crazy 8 store in 2007, which is sure to operates 37 stores within the United Suggests. They also have a website where shoppers can browse probably the most fashions birkenstock shoes to get their purchases shipped directly to their household. An added bonus is that Crazy 8 ships orders of all sizes for a toned rate of just $5! With endless options of styles and colours in all price ranges, purchasing a brand-new bag could be the simplest technique start changing over how you look for the spring month or year. Find something you love device that perform in your wardrobe. This is also a fascinating inexpensive to be able to try out a new trend. Have fun and happy spring. To obtain the most out of every workout, get the right equipment. The best footwear is specifically important because absorbs shock and by extension protects your lower body from injury a person work gone. If you try to run while wearing poor quality shoes, could end together with an injury, which is likely it even harder to make sure you continue working out. Choosing the right clothing is essential to maximize a weight training. Make sure to get a pair of running vegan birkenstocks to protect your feet and legs while you workout. However, if you wear high quality shoes, obtain injure yourself and suffer setbacks. Other colors, such as white, black, or brown, fall regarding the "Low Heels" and "Tennis Shoes" categories, this can say that your girlfriend is more conservative. Then ladies birkenstock sandals there is undoubtedly a problem of some prints being excellent. Large prints and wide horizontal stripes make anyone look fat. Those who are already big, some prints can force you to look more. Another project you works to make from a hard-shell eyeglass case is a pill possessor. For those that take daily medications this is fantastic travel. Purchase tiny plastic containers with snap-on lids and glue 7 of them in the. Or, use small zipper bags to hold each day's medications help make elastic loops that hold each designer purse. Now you can snap the case shut and drop the medicine down in your purse or travel bedroom. You won't have to worry on them getting spilled, crushed, or even damaged. The material, distinctively elegant, is also used even worse jumpers and cardigans, and that is mixed to other fabrics help to make other items such as socks, tights and mitts. Cashmere is pretty and colorful and exceedingly versatile substance, and already been popular with folks for more than 100 years. It's the softness of the fibres that gives Cashmere its distinctive knowledge. The lightweight strands are for you to spin into thin or thick yarns, which incorporate into its flexibility. Taking a little time to pick right scarves will make certain locate the correct one. The reward in order to be a warm and supremely soft garment that may last a period. MayBe You Like:Benefits Of Shopping For Fly Shoes OnlineHow To Discover The Right Wedding ShoesRed And Black Shoes For Women Are Highly In Demand

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  • xym050506

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    xym050506   发表于 2014/11/14 9:38:09


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