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Nulear AP-1000 QAQC Inspectora - Japan

ieces  发表于 2009/4/15 13:32:44      1242 查看 0 回复  [上一主题]  [下一主题]


Nulear AP-1000 QAQC Inspectors

Project Name: Sanmen Nulear Project in Zhejiang
Work Location: Japan and China

Duration: about 1 year


We just get urgent inquiry from a client, they are looking for  potential QA/QC manpower backup (6 inspectors minimum full time for 1 year)  for the AP-1000 project in China.

All of the inspectors should speak English and Chinese, and it is better that they can be fluent in Japanese as well.

They should be able to get a visa to go to Japan, Korea, and U.S.A. within a short notice.

Inspectors should have experience of QA/QC services to Electric Companies such as Thaiwan Power company, Hitachi or Westinghouse.

Inspectors should be experienced minimum 5 years in ASME-III Nuclear inspections.

[If you would like to get the ASMT-III 《Rules for Construction of Nulear Facitity Components》], We could send to you by email [QQ/MSN &etc.].
Inspectors include Structure, Mechanical, Pressure Vessel, Piping and E&I Inspectors, and Welding, NDT, Coating Insepctors, Coordinators, Expeditors.

Please provide your Latest English and Chinese CVs.doc and copies of qualifications to us.
应聘者需要个人办理好自己的出国护照 [到户口所在地登记照相交钱填写递送地址,大约15天内有关部门会EMS给你的]

普通护照办理程序: http://www.xichang.gov.cn/bszn/ShowArticle.asp?ArticleID=266

I’m looking forward to your kindly reply.

Thanks and Best regards,

Recuitment Specialist
EPCHR Consultants Ltd. Guangdong, P.R.China
Website: www.EPCHR.com
Email: epchr01@126.com
Tel: +86-0752-2050067
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