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E5515C E5515C E5515C E5515C手机综合测试仪 姚生15994778006

maitesai  发表于 2009/7/3 15:19:11      613 查看 1 回复  [上一主题]  [下一主题]


E5515C E5515C E5515C E5515C手机综合测试仪 姚生15994778006

手机  :15994778006
TEL   :0755-82870337
FAX   :075582870314
QQ    :54718757 
MSN   :lingbai0401@live.cn
邮箱  :lingbai0401@163.com


频率范围:292至2700 MHz
-127至-10 dBm输出
VSWR:400至1000 MHz时<1.14:1
< +/-1.1dB电平精度
用于8960系列10无线通讯测试仪的Agilent E5515C硬件平台为手机制造商提供直接的竞争优势。业经验证的8960无线通讯测试仪专为大规模、自动化手机生产测试而设计,具有快速、精确、可重复、多格式、易于编程和格式灵活的架构等特点。对于手机制造商来说,这有助于降低测试成本,提高产量,帮助他们满足客户当前和未来对手机的需求。
E5515C测试仪高222 mm、宽426mm、深625 mm,大约重30 kg(根据硬件选件配置而异)。
E5515CU 硬件升级:8960是一台灵活的测试仪,可以通过升级满足您不断变化的无线测试要求。在某些情况下,这些变化的要求需要升级E5515C硬件。8960的一个重要的优势在于通过E5515CU硬件升级可以为E5515C增加新的功能。请联系杰科信仪器销售代表,了解E5515CU升级套装选件的详细信息。
Agilent 8960 Series 10 无线通信测试仪能为移动设备制造商带来直接的竞争优势。 为大规模的自动生产制造测试所开发的 8960 Series 10 测试仪,为客户提供了 速度, 精度, 重复能力,多制式能力, 易于编程, 以及制式灵活的体系结构。 对移动设备制造商来说,这意味着更低的测试成本和更高的产出,并且也有助于满足客户对电话的当前和未来要求。


 选件列表 E5515C-002
 2nd RF source
 Flexible CDMA base station emulator
 Digital bus
 ATP lead-time item for E5515C NPI applications
 225MHz universal counter - 10 digits
 AMPS/136 mobile test application 
 cdma2000/IS-95/AMPS mobile test application 
 W-CDMA mobile test application
 1xEV-DO terminal test application 
 GSM/GPRS mobile test application 
 1xEV-DO Rel 0 FTM test application 
 Fast switching test application 
 Mobile test application suite 
 8960 UMTS test application suite 
 cdma2000/1xEV-DO TA suite 
 E5515 application features



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  • lingbai0401

    lingbai0401   |   当前状态:在线

    总积分:94  2024年可用积分:0

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    最后登录时间: 2014-03-17

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    lingbai0401   发表于 2011/8/31 16:03:29

    E5515C E5515C 8960 E5515C综合测试仪 姚生15994778006

    电话  :0755-83290924
    传真  :0755-83290942
    QQ    :54718757
    MSN   :lingbai0401@live.cn
    邮箱  :lingbai0401@163.com


    Agilent 8960 Series 10 无线通信测试仪能为移动设备制造商带来直接的竞争优势。 为大规模的自动生产制造测试所开发的 8960 Series 10 测试仪,为客户提供了 速度, 精度, 重复能力,多制式能力, 易于编程, 以及制式灵活的体系结构。 对移动设备制造商来说,这意味着更低的测试成本和更高的产出,并且也有助于满足客户对电话的当前和未来要求。
    当前对8960 Series 10 的增强把仪器的应用领域扩展到无线终端的设计和开发之中。除了扩展的参数测试外,您还可利用强大的协议记录特性,用新的“实验室应用软件” 对您的无线设计进行验证和纠错。

    可把 8960 Series 10 配置为用于 W-CDMA, cdma2000, IS-95, GSM, GPRS, TIA/EIA-136 和 AMPS移动电话测试。
    Agilent E5515C

    8960 Wireless Communications Test Set
    Cellular mobile station (handset) manufacturing test set.
    The E5515C is a multiple format manufacturing test set designed for high volume production testing of cellular and PCS telephone handsets. Depending on installed test application, the E5515C can test AMPS, GSM, TDMA, cdma2000, WCDMA, HSDPA, UMTS, EGPRS and GPRS handsets.
    Option 4 (Digital bus) enables fading in cdma2000, 1xEV-DO, WCDMA,
    GSM/GPRS/EGPRS lab applications and lab application suites.

    Class 10 phones or above require 4.8HW option V48

    Option V50 (5.0 hardware) is standard with units beginning with
    serial number GB46040101 or above.
    5.0HW is also available as an upgrde option E5515CU/285.

    Option V48 (4.8 hardware) is standard with units beginning with
    serial number GB45070001 or above.
    4.8HW is also available as an upgrade option E5515CU/185.

    Option H03 (EGPRS) capable hardware

    Test Applications are described as:
    E1961A AMPS/136 test application
    E1962B cdma2000 test application
    E1962B1 used for E1962B-401 cdma2000 Rel A new control channels
    E1962B2 used for E1962B-402 cdma2000 Advanced AMPS
    E1962B3 used for E1962B-403 cdma2000 Authentication
    E1963A W-CDMA test application
    E1963A1 used for E1963A-401 W-CDMA video phone test
    E1963A2 used for E1963A-403 HSDPA test mode
    E1966A 1xEV-DO test application
    E1968A1 used for E1968A-101 GSM test application
    E1968A2 used for E1968A-102 GPRS test application
    E1968A3 used for E1968A-201 GSM/GPRS test application
    E1968A4 used for E1968A-103 EGPRS test application
    E1968A5 used for E1968A-202 GSM/GPRS/EGPRS test application
    E1968A6 used for E1968A-410 EGPRS phase and amplitude vs time
    E1991B Test application suite
    E1993A UMTS test application suite
    E1996A CDMA/1xEV-DO test application suite

    Lab Applications are described as:
    E6701D GSM/GPRS Lab application
    E6702B cdma2000 Lab application
    E6703C WCDMA Lab application
    E6704A EGPRS Lab application requires E6701C or E6701D
    E6706A 1xEV-DO requires E1966A test application
    E6716A cdma2000/1xEV-DO Lab application suite
    E6717A UMTS Lab application suite
    E6719C Lab application suite
    E6785C Lab application fast switching

    Fast Switching application described as:
    E1987A E1961A AMPS/136, E1962B cdma2000/IS-95/AMPS, E1963A W-CDMA,
    E1968A GSM/GPRS/EGPRS, E1966A-1xEV-DO

    Option dependencies:
    Test applications:
    E1961A No option required
    E1962B Requires option 3
    E1962B1 Requires option 3, E1962B, and V48 or above
    E1962B2 Requires option 3, E1962B, and V48 or above
    E1962B3 Requires option 3, E1962B, and V48 or above
    E1963A Requires option 3
    E1963A1 Requires option 3, E1963A, and V48 or above
    E1963A2 Requires option 3, E1963A, V50
    E1966A Requires option 3
    E1968A1 Requires option 2
    E1968A2 Requires option 2
    E1968A3 Requires option 2
    E1968A4 Requires option 2 and H03
    E1968A5 Requires option 2 and H03
    E1968A6 Requires option 2, H03, and V48 or above
    E1987A Requires option H03 and V48 or above
    E1991B Requires option 2, 3, H03 and V48 or above
    E1993A Requires option 2, 3, H03 and V48 or above
    E1996A Requires option 3, and V48 or above
    Lab applications: (option 4 required to do fading)
    E6701D Requires option 2
    E6702B Requires option 3, recommened V48 for class 10 phones and up
    E6703C Requires option 3, recommened V48 for class 10 phones and up
    E6704A Requires option 2, 3 and H03
    E6706A Requires option 3, V48 or above
    E6716A Requires option 3, and V48 or above
    E6717A Requires option 2,3,H03,(V48 for class 10 phones and up).
    E6719C Requires option 2, 3, H03, and V48 or above

    Agilent defined bundle suites:

    E1991A test application suite includes:
    E1960A GSM test application
    E1961A AMPS/136 test application
    E1962B cdma2000 test application
    E1963A W-CDMA test application
    E1964A GPRS test application
    E1966A 1xEV-DO test application
    E1985A Add new fast switching TAs

    E1991B test application suite includes:
    E1961A AMPS/136 test application
    E1962B cdma2000 test application
    E1963A W-CDMA test application
    E1966A 1xEV-DO test application
    E1968A5 GSM/GPRS/EGPRS test application
    E1987A Fast switching test application

    E1993A UMTS test application suite includes (requires revision 4.8HW):
    E1963A W-CDMA mobile test application
    E1968A5 GSM, GPRS, EGPRS test applications
    E1987A Fast switching test application

    E1996A CDMA/1xEV-DO test application suite
    E1962B cdma2000 test application
    E1966A 1xEV-DO test application
    E1987A Fast switching test application

    E6716A cdma2000/1xEV-DO Lab application suite includes:
    E6702B cdma2000 lab application
    E6706A 1xEV-DO lab application

    E6717A UMTS Lab application suite includes:
    E6701D GSM/GPRS lab application
    E6703C W-CDMA lab application
    E6704A EGPRS lab application
    E6785C GSM/GPRS, W-CDMA lab application fast switching

    E6719C Lab application suite includes:
    E6701D GSM/GPRS lab application
    E6702B cdma2000 lab application
    E6703C W-CDMA lab application
    E6704A EGPRS lab application
    E6706A 1xEV-DO lab application
    E6785C GSM/GPRS, W-CDMA lab application fast switching

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