引用 ababab 2016/4/20 10:36:28 发表于2楼的内容
aaing 发表于 2016/4/21 9:18:50
引用 aaing 2016/4/21 9:18:50 发表于3楼的内容
ababab 发表于 2016/4/22 20:12:41
是支持modbus,但是要求是上位机用C#写tcp/ip的tcpclient端,plc做下位机写tcpserver端用c的socket库,功能程序都已经写好transfer到plc里,现在要做个上下位的通讯。上位机客户端发命令,下位机做服务器端接收并解析后给反馈信息给上位机。automation studio里有ASTCP库和ethsocket库,感觉好像要用ASTCP。知道您好像特别熟悉贝加莱PLC,可不可以向您请教请教这方面的知识?因为要做,又不是特别懂,先谢了。
引用 ababab 2016/4/22 20:12:41 发表于4楼的内容
atmupkeep 发表于 2016/5/3 19:47:02
在AS3.0 有具体例子,主要看帮助,帮助的例子越来越多!
AsTCP - Examples
Executable examples are available for this project in the form of a package.
Theme Description Package name TCP Communication Example of simple TCP client/server communication. A section of data is exchanged between two controllers via the Ethernet interface. LibAsTCP1_ST The sample package can be inserted into the Automation Studio project by the name of the package.
引用 atmupkeep 2016/5/3 19:47:02 发表于5楼的内容
atmupkeep 发表于 2016/5/3 19:47:37
AsUDP - Examples
Executable examples are available for this project in the form of a package.
Theme Description Package name UDP Communication Example of simple TCP client/server communication. A section of data is exchanged between two controllers via the Ethernet interface. LibAsUDP1_ST The sample package can be insertedinto the Automation Studio project by the name of the package
引用 atmupkeep 2016/5/3 19:47:37 发表于6楼的内容